24 Boozy Desserts Unoda Muhupenyu Hwako

Mazita Akanakisa Evana

Cocktails akanaka. Desserts zvakanaka. Saka wadii kusanganisa izvo zviviri kugadzira iyo yakasanganiswa huru munhoroondo yevanhu? Ingoenda nyore pane zvikamu - hapana hangover yakafanana neshuga hangover.

bourboncookies inodhaka Bakergirl

Brown Butter Bourbon Chocolate Chip Cookies

Zvakanyanya kudyiwa negirazi remukaka rinotonhora nechando.

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boozy desserts sangriacupcakes Gore Rokutanga

Sangria Cupcakes

Kinda semichero saladhi, handiti?

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boozy desserts butterscotchicecream Iyo Bojon Gourmet

Boozy Banana Butterscotch Ice Cream

Whoaaaaaaaa .

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boozy desserts margaritacake Pastry Affair

Margarita Lime keke

Imwe tequila, tequila mbiri, tequila nhatu, tingawane chimwe chimedu here?

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boozy desserts milkshake Madyiro Anotapira

Boozy Coconut Hot Fudge Milkshakes

Kutaura nezve ice cream…

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RELATED: Unoda Waini Slushies MuHupenyu Hwako Ichi Chitubu

boozy desserts jackcupcakes Bread Booze Bacon

Triple Chocolate Jack Daniels Cupcakes

Serious vanoda chokoreti chete.

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dhizeti donuts Wonky Wonderful

Yakabikwa Guinness Donuts neIrish Cream Glaze

Zvimwe usadye izvi zvemangwanani ... neChipiri.

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boozy desserts pims The Happy Foodie

Pimm's Layer Cake

Chikafu chinotapira kubva kushamwari dzedu mhiri kwedhamu.

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boozy desserts puddingshots Kupindwa muropa kwangu neBaking

S'Zvimwe Pudding Shots

Way less messy pane chaiyo s'mores.

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boozy dessert cheesecake inoruma Mantitlement

Moonshine Cherry Cheesecake Bites

Chenjera: Kuruma-saizi kune njodzi.

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boozy desserts peachcobbler Kicheni Ndiyo Nzvimbo Yangu Yekutamba

Branded Peach Cobbler

Chinja mukati mako maodzanyemba belle.

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boozy desserts cherry keke Natasha's Kitchen

Yakadhakwa Cherry Chocolate Cake

The cherries uye keke yakanyoroveswa murum.

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boozy desserts cremebrulee Kubika Nguva

Irish Kofi Creme Brulee

Kunwa mushure mekudya kwemanheru unogona kudya.

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boozy desserts blueberryfloats Foodie Eats

Boozy Blueberry Inoyangarara

Shanduro yevakuru yevadiki fave.

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boozy dessert pinacolada O, Zvirume

Yakakanyiwa Piña Colada Rings

Kana uchizoenda nazvo...

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boozy desserts bourbon pie Zvakanaka Plated

Bourbon Buttermilk Pie

Creamy, buttery kukwana.

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boozy desserts champagneballs Shuga & Mweya

Strawberry uye Champagne Cake Mabhora

Nooo, kwete musikana zvakanyanya.

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boozy desserts pancake milkshake Cookie Inonzi Chido

Boozy Blueberry Pancake Milkshakes

Tingataurewo here nezve madiki eblueberry pancakes?

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boozy desserts limoncellocake Betsylife

Limoncello Bundt keke

Kana hupenyu hwakupa malemoni, shandura kuita limoncello wobva wabika keke.

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boozy desserts popcorn Mukaka's Culinary

Bacon Bourbon Butterscotch Popcorn

Kune avo vanoda zvinotapira zvavo zvine munyu mushoma.

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madhirivhiti akabikwa whiskey Cotter Crunch

Yakasviba Chocolate Whisky Keke Inoruma

Uye ivo havana-kubika!

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boozy desserts chianticupcakes Kumwaya Bakes

Chianti Chocolate Cupcakes

Waini tsvuku uye chokoreti: mutambo wakaitwa kudenga.

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boozy desserts pearcake Kumba Ndiko Kune Boat

Cardamom Cake neWhite Wine uye Whole Pears

Zvakanaka, hauna kunaka here?

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boozy desserts toffeepudding Kubika Nguva

Yakasviba uye ine Dutu Inonamira Toffee Pudding

Iyo caramel muto kunyange ...

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Horoscope Yako Yemangwana